Disney has been hit with a copyright lawsuit involving Moana 2, the highly successful sequel to its 2016 animated blockbuster. Released in 2024, the film follows Moana (voiced by Auli’i Cravalho) as she embarks on a daring new seafaring adventure alongside her former companion Maui (Dwayne Johnson). Despite its success, with a global box office gross of $964 million, the movie is now embroiled in a legal battle that could impact its future.
Moana 2’s Award-Season Momentum
The sequel has made waves not only at the box office but also during the 2024–2025 awards season. Moana 2 secured a Golden Globe nomination for Best Animated Feature but lost to Flow. Its standout song, “Beyond,” is in contention for an Academy Award nomination, with official announcements set for January 19. However, ongoing legal troubles may cast a shadow over its Oscar prospects.
The Copyright Controversy
Animator Buck Woodall has filed a $10 billion lawsuit against Disney, alleging that Moana 2 infringes on his copyrighted screenplay Bucky. According to Woodall, his script was shared with Mandeville Films—a Disney-affiliated production company—in 2003. He claims that several key story elements in Moana 2 closely resemble those from his screenplay, including:
- An ancient Polynesian village setting
- A teen protagonist embarking on an oceanic journey guided by ancestral spirits
- A symbolic necklace playing a pivotal role
- A demigod companion with tattoos and a hook weapon
- A large creature hidden within a mountain
- A whirlpool-like oceanic portal
Woodall’s previous lawsuit targeting the original Moana was dismissed due to timing issues, but this new case has reignited the debate.
Disney’s Legal History
This isn’t Disney’s first brush with copyright lawsuits. In 2017, they faced claims related to motion-capture technology used in Beauty and the Beast. Similarly, Disney overcame a lawsuit over alleged similarities between the Pirates of the Caribbean screenplay and an earlier script.
What’s at Stake for Moana
The lawsuit, if successful, could have significant implications for Disney. A $10 billion payout would be a notable financial hit, even for a company of Disney’s size. More critically, it could jeopardize the franchise’s future. The lawsuit could delay or alter plans for the Moana live-action adaptation, scheduled for 2026, and any potential sequels.
However, Disney might explore alternative solutions, such as involving Woodall in future projects as an executive producer. This move could allow the franchise to continue without further legal complications.
Awards Season Impact
The timing of the lawsuit, just days before the January 19 Oscar nomination announcements, could influence Moana 2’s awards season journey. The controversy might deter the Academy from recognizing the film in high-profile categories like Best Animated Feature or Best Original Song.
Moreover, competition for these awards is fierce. While Moana 2’s “Beyond” remains on the shortlist, other standout songs from films like Mufasa: The Lion King and Twisters are strong contenders. In the Animated Feature category, the movie faces stiff competition from titles like Flow, The Wild Robot, and Inside Out 2.
Disney’s Road Ahead
Despite the challenges, Disney is likely to defend the Moana franchise vigorously. Given its massive success, the company has every incentive to resolve legal disputes and keep the franchise alive. Whether through legal victories or strategic compromises, Disney’s focus will remain on preserving the legacy of Moana.
In the meantime, fans eagerly await updates on both the lawsuit and the upcoming live-action adaptation, ensuring that the Moana saga remains a central part of Disney’s storytelling repertoire.
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